Communication Management Systems
What are communication management systems?
In today’s world everyone needs to communicate with others, whether for professional or social or personal reasons. Hence we require effective means of communication so that our messages are conveyed correctly, instantaneously and securely in a way such that the other party may clearly understand us.
A lot depends on the proper conveyance of messages. The future of many companies depends on its ability to communicate with its employees and other companies.
Communication management systems can be of two types. The first is corporate communication management system which entails systematic planning and implementation of new channels of communication within an organization and between organizations.
The other is the personal communication management system which enables users to take care of all their overlapping communications of their personal and professional lives.
Here we discuss the second type.
What are the components of communication management systems?
the system can be implemented in a pure IP environment, a circuit switched environment or a hybrid of the two. This allows users to create customized communication management systems for themselves which meets their specifications.
In today’s world customers need communication management systems which are both flexible and intuitive and can single handedly address all of their communication needs, in case of both wireline and wireless service providers.
Tools implemented in these systems allow users to enjoy the convenience of being connected with their work and home any time of the day they want to. Furthermore, the system can be implemented in a pure IP environment, a circuit switched environment or a hybrid of the two. This allows users to create customized communication management systems for themselves which meets their specifications.
The basic features an effective communication management system should have are the following. Firstly, it should have basic voicemail services in which a user should be able to access all his messages, voicemail and fax in one single mailbox.
It might also implement enhanced versions of voicemail and multimedia in which the user may send messages through internet or wireless networks using devices like a phone or a PC. Secondly, communication management systems should provide easy migration. It means that these systems should enable the user to easily switch to the new system from their legacy system irrespective of the network or devices used.
Service providers can also use this for transition to an all IP infrastructure. Thirdly, the system should have scalability and geographical redundancy.
What it means is that from the point of view of the operator, individual mailboxes should be single entities no matter where they are accessed from. Various components of the system may also be placed in different geographical locations in case of any natural disasters.
How are communication management systems helping?
These communication management systems have brought all kinds of communications into one single device in our pockets.
These systems have simplified our lives and messaging needs to a great extent.
Posted in Technology